Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Using SVN Externals to work with Multiple Repositories

I am writing a library called HSL. This library will be a third-party library in Crackpot and used for encoding heuristics. In order to work with Crackpot code along with HSL, I will be using the "svn externals" mechanism.

Why not simply have a copy of the external library in local repository? The primary benefit is that changes made to the local copy can be committed to the external repository.


~/tmp/co$ svn propedit svn:externals .
No changes to property 'svn:externals' on '.'
~/tmp/co$ svn propget svn:externals .
thirdparty/hsl/hsl_alpha_version  -r5

~/tmp/co$ tree
`-- thirdparty
    `-- hsl
        `-- hsl_alpha_version


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