Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ubuntu Update to 10.04

Every time I upgrade the Ubuntu version, I am faced with one or more issues. This time the audio and video worked fine and the desktop looks are much improved. The bootup is much faster. There is a new chat interface integrated with the desktop, which is cool, as is Ubuntu One.

However I faced the following issues. I upgraded on my desktop computer as well as my laptop -- so the list of issues is a merged list of the issues with both the laptop and the desktop.

1. gcc compile output messages miss the names of the variables after the upgrade. After a lot of failed google searches, I set LANG="" as described here. This set the problem right. 
2. There were problems with the windows borders missing. I read on the net this was due to compiz not starting. I added compiz into "Startup Applications" and rebooted for this to work. 
3. Installing KDevelop was a pain as the package has been removed from the repository. I followed this.

This has been the list in 3 days after the update. I will update this list as I find new problems.

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