After this I tried running
tesseract phototest.tif test1 segdemo interas per their instructions, but it would not work. I realized this is because of missing file at /usr/local/share/tessdata. Therefore, I did:
sudo cp -R
But this undid the change done previously (in the first installment) for english recognition. Therefore I had to copy the eng data files again:
sudo cp -R
After this I ran the viewer on my own image. It worked but it kept on saying
ScrollView: Waiting for server...
ScrollView: Waiting for server...
ScrollView: Waiting for server...
ScrollView: Waiting for server...
Some problem with starting the server. I retried with the image they provide in
Sometimes I had to manually kill the previous java GUI as it would not allow the GUI to start the next time.
I still have not not been able to run the viewer with my own images. Some catch there.